
ChineseElvis media

ChineseElvis uses the power of Derren Brown's mind control techniques on his unsuspecting audience, in a vain effort to escape unharmed...
Hi! You have probably arrived here directly via my web profile. You can click in the section below to hear sound samples or just watch any of the embedded Youtube videos below. Click on the logo in the top left corner to get back to the homepage.

sound samples

Is it me, or does it look like I am giving the finger? Totally unintentional, naturally.

Click to play following songs
Suspicious Minds
Little Less Conversation
If I Can Dream
The Wonder of You

tv appearances

Who better to lighten the mood and talk about Elvis than ChineseElvis? Clips from Sky News and BBC from Elvis Day

van of elvii
UK road safety advert starring ChineseElvis with some of his buddies

JXL MTV video
starring ChineseElvis' spinning head

"Celebrity" Weakest Link Elvis-Special
Won by ChIneseElvis, BBC1 2007

AOL tv ads
Starring ChineseElvis, aired in UK 2004-6

What the hell is he talking about? Who cares? He's a TV exper
t, so everything he says must be true!!

Actor's show-reel

Paul Courtenay Hyu 2016 Showreel 3 minutes from Paul Hyu on Vimeo.

Music downloads

Famous Friends

Book Him, Danno!!

A Boy named Hyu...

Elvis Links

ChineseElvis's Diary

AOL on-set pics

Meet the Family!

Dancing Girls

Your Emails

Super Elvis fun Page